disclosure policy
As required by the US Federal Trade Commission, here is information you may wish to know about Music Road:
Music Road accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, affiliate links, and other forms of compensation. As is common in the music business, labels, artists, publicists and promoters often supply review copies of recordings, dvds, and books, and sometimes offer press tickets to concerts and festivals. These offers and the provision of these materials do not affect whether or not an event, recording, or artist is covered here at Music Road, or the nature of that coverage.
Editorial decisions and advertising/compensation activities are separate. Advertising does not influence editorial choices.
We may receive compensation from affiliate programs. What that means is that if you click on a link and it takes you to the site of one of our affiliate partners, and you then choose to make a purchase, Music Road receives small percentage of the price. The price to you is the same [or less, if our partners choose to make specials available] whether you buy through our affiliate program links, or not. Music Road appreciates your support.
We amy accept paid advertising,and if so it is clearly identified as such.
We may accept sponsored trips, and they are identified as such.
If you would like to enquire about this policy, you may contact
Kerry Dexter at riosur at aol dot com.
Thank you for your support of Music Road.
Here is Music Road's privacy policy
Music Road accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, affiliate links, and other forms of compensation. As is common in the music business, labels, artists, publicists and promoters often supply review copies of recordings, dvds, and books, and sometimes offer press tickets to concerts and festivals. These offers and the provision of these materials do not affect whether or not an event, recording, or artist is covered here at Music Road, or the nature of that coverage.
Editorial decisions and advertising/compensation activities are separate. Advertising does not influence editorial choices.
We may receive compensation from affiliate programs. What that means is that if you click on a link and it takes you to the site of one of our affiliate partners, and you then choose to make a purchase, Music Road receives small percentage of the price. The price to you is the same [or less, if our partners choose to make specials available] whether you buy through our affiliate program links, or not. Music Road appreciates your support.
We amy accept paid advertising,and if so it is clearly identified as such.
We may accept sponsored trips, and they are identified as such.
If you would like to enquire about this policy, you may contact
Kerry Dexter at riosur at aol dot com.
Thank you for your support of Music Road.
Here is Music Road's privacy policy
-->If you'd like to support my creative work at Music Road and elsewhere directly,
here is a way to do that, through PayPal. Note that you do not have to have a PayPal account to do this.Thank you.
Labels: disclosure

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