Autumn music: preparation and presence
The week before Advent begins, Thanksgiving is coming, a friend's birthday soon, thinking about and organizing journeys long and short, and creative work asking for differing sorts of focus. A season of turning, a time of preparation, and of being present in the moment.
Two songs that go along with this time of the year, for me,
each in its own way is about mystery:
The Castle Of Dromore
from Cherish the Ladies, with Heidi Talbot singing lead, and I Do Not Know Its Name,
from Carrie Newcomer.
These photographs are from a place not often associated with the turning leaves of autumn, the north and west of Florida. Tallahassee, to be specific.

you may also wish to see
Voices: Cherish the Ladies
Music Road: Carrie Newcomer: Before & After
Delicious Baby's Photo Friday, where travelers offer new insights to the world each Friday
photographs copyright Kerry Dexter
Two songs that go along with this time of the year, for me,
each in its own way is about mystery:
The Castle Of Dromore
These photographs are from a place not often associated with the turning leaves of autumn, the north and west of Florida. Tallahassee, to be specific.

you may also wish to see
Voices: Cherish the Ladies
Music Road: Carrie Newcomer: Before & After
Delicious Baby's Photo Friday, where travelers offer new insights to the world each Friday
photographs copyright Kerry Dexter
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Labels: autumn, autumn music, blogsherpa, creative practice, florida, reflection, songwriting, tallahassee, usa

kerry - such beautiful photos, and music. i always forget that fall is such a time of change, personally and landscape-wise. thanks for the reminder.
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