Songs for Valentine's Day
If you’re feeling that Valentine’s Day is getting a bit overdone, or that you’re a bit done with all the hearts and flowers stuff, consider the ideas about the day as a celebration of generosity, dignity, and kindness in this inspiring article from Alisa Bowman’s blog Project: Happily Ever After.
The music:

Trust, holding on in uncertainty, and being open are aspects of love, ideas which are gracefully and poetically explored by Carrie Newcomer in Hush.
In day to day life as well as with family and friends, we do not always know, as Newcomer says in her song Stones In The River, where our best intentions go. At home and in the wider world, it works to keep working on the good intentions, though. This song makes an especially good companion to the ideas in Bowman’s article, above.
In many parts of the world it is quite cold, and definitely still winter, this Valentine’s Day. Though she wrote it about the December holidays, Shannon Heaton’s song Fine Winter's Night fits with cold February nights, as well -- cold night skies and the warmth of the hearth drawing us in work all through the winter season.
Kathy Mattea’s Asking Us To Dance is a gentle, romantic reminder that love persists, and we need to honor that and make time for it.
The lasting and renewing aspects of love, hope, and connection are all found in Cathie Ryan’s thoughtful version of Somewhere Along The Road, a song filled with trust and grace. Just right of Valentine’s Day.
you may also wish to see
Music Road: Carrie Newcomer: Before & After
Music Road: Cathie Ryan: teaching tradition
and just in case you were wanting a Valentine's treat here's a Chocolate Apricot Cheesecake recipe from My Kids Eat Squid
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Labels: music for valentine's day, reflection, songs for valentine's day, songwriting, winter

such nice choices for Valentine's Day. Last night I was watching PBS and saw Celtic Women (?) and I thought of you and your blog- and they were mentioning they are coming to Seattle to perform...unfortunately I'm going to be out of town when they come!!! OH NO- I would have so wanted to go.
I love that you've created the playlist. Now for the listening...
Kathy Mattea. What a great choice for Valentine's Day. Ironically, my husband and I don't share the same music tastes at all, but Mattea happens to be one singer we do agree on. Thanks for these ideas and for including a link.
How lovely this is.
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