patrick season: emigration

There's a recurring story in Irish legend in which a person sets out -- usually because they've been banished from the island, community, or family--in a curragh with only the night stars as guide and a knife for tool. No oars, no companions. A curragh is a small fabric framed boat. Having made the night (and day) sea journey to arrive again on land, the person is then able to accomplish great things.
photograph of the Irish Sea off the coast of Louth
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to explore photographs from many parts of the world, visit Delicious Baby's Photo Friday
Labels: creative practice, emigration, ireland, irish legend, irish sea, patrick season, sea voyage

St Brendan to his albatross he said: "Is it right, or left for Gibraltar..."
First song that popped into my head reading this post :)
This gave me chills. We're having our St Pat's dinner tonight here.
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