Music and water: blog action day
Water. It might be something you take for granted; it might be something you struggle for. Lack of it might cause your crops to fail, too much of it might wash your house away. Perhaps you make your living on the waters, or perhaps you live landlocked or dry country. Whatever your circumstance, water affects your life.
Water turns up very often in music, both as a direct subject-- think Rain Rain Go Away or Out on the Rolling Ocean, Thousands are Sailing or Oro Mo Bhaidhin, a song in Irish whose name means my little boat. It also appears in more
indirect ways too, such as in Waist Deep in the Big Muddy or Hurricane’s Coming , Lough Erne’s Shore or Ready for the Storm, or Be Like the Sea.
I am telling you all this just now because today is blog action day. Today thousands of bloggers from countires around the world are writing about water, what can be done to ensure everyone on the planet has enough, now and in future, and ways to think about these things.
As you’ll know, I tend to think about things through music. For thinking about these issues to do with water, I suggest to you Carrie Newcomer’s song Stones in the River.
other music to go along with your thinking about water
The Farthest Wave
Precious Waters : River of Life
Music Road: Music and Landscape: Blog Action Day 2009
Music Road: Carrie Newcomer: Before & After
Music Road: Cathie Ryan: Songwriter
the photograph is from the Irish Sea on a tranquil evening, with all boats safe home.
You may also wish to see
Delicious Baby's Photo Friday, where travelers offer new insights to the world each Friday
Water turns up very often in music, both as a direct subject-- think Rain Rain Go Away or Out on the Rolling Ocean, Thousands are Sailing or Oro Mo Bhaidhin, a song in Irish whose name means my little boat. It also appears in more

I am telling you all this just now because today is blog action day. Today thousands of bloggers from countires around the world are writing about water, what can be done to ensure everyone on the planet has enough, now and in future, and ways to think about these things.
As you’ll know, I tend to think about things through music. For thinking about these issues to do with water, I suggest to you Carrie Newcomer’s song Stones in the River.
other music to go along with your thinking about water
The Farthest Wave
Precious Waters : River of Life
Music Road: Music and Landscape: Blog Action Day 2009
Music Road: Carrie Newcomer: Before & After
Music Road: Cathie Ryan: Songwriter
the photograph is from the Irish Sea on a tranquil evening, with all boats safe home.
You may also wish to see
Delicious Baby's Photo Friday, where travelers offer new insights to the world each Friday
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Labels: blog action day, ireland, reflection, songwriter, water

Thanks for this post and the reminder. For me, the sound of water moving is music ....
What a peaceful shot.
you're right, kerry - it is SO important to think about - and be connected to- water. thanks.
That's a beautiful photograph and this is a beautiful post. It's so important that we remember that water is a precious natural resource, one that, though abundant in some parts of the world, should never be squandered.
Beautiful way to honor water on Blog Action Day. You're right, water really does play a big role in a lot of music pieces...and I think the sound of the waves hitting the beach is musical in itself (I specifically taped a few short clips of the shoreline along Lake Michigan last time I was up there to have those sounds to enjoy later at home!)
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