Third week in Advent: Music, friendship, connection
Winter can be a season for connection of many sorts.
There could be gathering with friends and family we see often, and with those with whom we visit just a few times in a year, or do not see for several years.
It can be a time for thinking of an connecting with freieds at distance, too, those we may not see in person but whose love and connection yet is a vital presence in our lives.
Whatever form connection may take, the winter season is a good time -- a good excuse, if one is needed -- to connect, to reconnect, to reach out to people you’ve not seen in some time, or that you see of and say: I was just thinking of you.
Music to go along with these ideas
Carrie Newcomer’s song Gathering of Spirits is an honoring of friendship, of lasting love and respect.
Mairead Ni Mhaonaigh wrote a song in Irish (she is from Donegal and a native Irish speaker) for her daughter called Mo Nion O. Cathie Ryan, who is also a mother, translated the words into English and uses both languages in her version of the song. In both languages, it is a blessing for the present and an idea of hope for the future.
In Shannon Heaton’s song Fine Winter’s Night, she contrasts the cold bright of stars and snow with warmth and connection beckoning within. Shannon and her husband Matt, who joins her in the song. chose the song for title of their winter themed album.
On her album Songs of Christmas. Scotland based musician Emily Smith brings in a lively version of a contemporary carol you may or may not know. It is sure to bring a smile though, and perhaps you will join in singing it with thosoe near and far. It is called Little Road to Bethlehem.
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Labels: advent, boston, christmas, christmas gifts, creativity, Indiana, ireland, scotland, third week in advent

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