Music for your election thinking
Music offers ways to connect across place, across time, across language, across other divides.
There is more that connects us than divides us is one of the points US Vice President Kamala Harris often makes, as she campaigns to become president ot he United States.
Many of you who join in here at Music Road arebased outwith the United Staes. Perhaps you do not care about elections in the US. Perhaps you are of the opinion that they do not matter to you.
I’d ask you to rethink that.
Perhaps you are a US voter who is still thinking about who you wish to vote for, or if you will vote at all. You might, perhaps, think that is election does not matter to you, either.
Perhaps, wherever you live, maybe you think it will make no difference ot your life, whoever wins.
It will.
As you consider your decisions on these things, here are severla pieces of music to help you with your consideration.
If you are thinking your ideas, your conversations, your beliefs, and wat you do about them have no consequence, consider this from Carrie Newcomer
If you are feeling a bit isolated, consider this from Tish Hinojosa
If you are thinking about what to weigh, what to value as you make your choices -- in voting if you are a US voter, in conversation and thought if you are watching events for elsewhere -- consider this from Claire Lynch. This may not be your faith, your book, or your story. Every faith and system of ethics has things to say about situations like the one Claire speaks of in the song, though.
If you’ve children you’d like to involve or who are already involved in thinking about there events. this song from Matt Heaton will offer a few good ideas. Works for adults too.
I have also included a several non music resoureces to add to your considerations.
Well, okay, a musician speaks here -- listen to what Jennifer Lopez has to say about why she is voting for Kamala Harris, and about the power of community
and...take time to hear, to listen, to what Vice Preident Kamla Harris has to say
If you are a US voter, there is still time to vote. I encourage you to do so.
I have cast my vote for Kamala Harris. I ask you to join me. Consider well your choices on the rest of your ballot, too. Democracy really is on the ballot.
You may also wish to see
Music for Autumn’s Changes, at Wandering Educators
A useful discussion of both US presidential campaigns as of late in October, from historian Heather Cox Richardson in her Letters from an American newsletter
Four songs for the (political) season at my Substack newsletter Along the Music Road -- all different from those you find above
About the album Spell Songs II: Let the Light In
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Labels: creativity, elections, reflection

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