now playing: erica wheeler: good summer rain

Erica Wheeler
Good Summer Rain
Music is often grounded in a sense of place. For this album, singer and songwriter Erica Wheeler takes that idea a bit further, offering eleven songs which stand on their own but together make a series of postcards from, and to, varied times and conditions of the American landscape. Change is a theme. There’s that good summer rain that washes the asphalt where a farm used stand. There’s the Apache Motel, where the visions of older ways and peoples flash in and out of breakfast joint conversations and fast growing housing development. Endless Pines talks of the connection between the traveler and the landscape, while Muddy Waters looks at a different kind of change through nature, when the river rises and takes it all away. Lucky in Love is a quietly exuberant love song framed in the landscape of New York City. The concluding song, To Deep Water, is a reflection, taking in the lessons of the journey and offering them up. It’s a thoughtful and loving journey, one well worth the sharing.
Wheeler, who is based in western Massachusetts, produced the album, in part, with support from the Trust for Public Land.
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Labels: american folk music, erica wheeler, folk music, singer, songs of place, songwriter, trust for public land

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