September music
September: northern or southern hemisphere, it is a time of transition, from late in one season to the start of another. Here in the northern part of the globe, there’s a hint of autumn's crispness in the air now and then, but summer’s heat is still around now and again too. Light still lingers long most evenings and late summer rains splash the afternoons. The angle of light is changing, , though and its color is tending toward autumn’s clarity, tracing outlines on the leaves of trees and bushes as children make their way home from school in the late afternoon.

It is a time for looking forward, looking back, gathering strands of thought together, planning -- and letting go. Music, as ever, is a good companion for such things.
Coty Hogue was born in Montana, earned a master’s degree in Appalachian studies in North Carolina, and calls the Pacific northwest home. All these things come through in her albumWhen We Get to Shore, which was recorded live at Empty Sea Studios in Seattle. Hogue offers a well thought out set with songs from Sarah Fulford (the opening tack, Jonah) and music from Hogue’s own pen (Fire and Ashes) as well as songs from Bruce Springsteen, Hazel Dickens, and Bill Monroe. There are songs from the American folk tradition in the mix as well. Hogue has a clear voice and a respect for the story and character of each song which well serves the musical tales she tells.

On the other side of the Atlantic, Sarah- Jane Summers draws inspiration for her tunes -- she’s a fiddle player -- from generations of her family background in the Highlands of Scotland, and from Scotland’s connections with Nordic music across other seas as well. There are tunes from tradition as well as music from contemporary composers including Charlie McKerron and Jenna Reid. There are fine tunes from Summers herself as well on the album Nesta.
Change is very present in Carrie Newcomer’s album Everything Is Everywhere. Newcomer is from Indiana and often draws on her native midwest for musical inspiration. That is true on Everything Is Everywhere as well, and in this case it is mixed with ideas and impressions Newcomer gained while doing a musical residency in India.
As the season changes, each of these three quite different albums will make good companions for your thoughts.
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Music, harvest, and time
season of change: music for autumn 2008
Some Bright Morning from Rani Arbo & daisy mayhem
photographs. of autumn leaves in the US south and a hillside in Ireland, are by Kerry Dexter, and are copyrighted. thank you for respecting this.
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Labels: americana music, blogsherpa, Carrie Newcomer, coiy hogue, Indiana, sarah jane summers, scotland, songwriter, usa, washington state

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