Advent Reflection: 2 Songs
Advent. It’s the season of four weeks leading up to the celebration of Christmas.
If Christmas and/or Advent are not part of your faith calendar, this time in December is a good season in which to make time for reflection and for a bit of rest, perhaps, however busy your schedule might be.
Advent is a time for looking forward and for looking back.
It has been and continues to be a hard and uncertain time for many of us. All the more reason to look for the quiwt Advent may bring.
Music is good gateway and a good companion for this.
Sally Barris has a song called Magnify.
It was, she says, written during a time she was facing a number of challenges in her life.
In the song, she sings of making choices, of choosing, for instance, to focus on -- to magnify -- the hand held out to help rather than the hard stuff that led to needing that helping hand.
Sally, who is originally from Minnesota, has been based in Nashville for some time. Many artists turn to her cataloue of songs when they are looking for thoughtful, well crafted, and creative songs to cover.
At this writing, I am not aware that Sally has put Magnify out as a recording; it’s a relatively new song.
She has a number of her own albums out though well She is also well respected as a mentor, teacher, and member of Nashville’s music community.
Another good listen for your reflection this season is called Another Reason.
Aoife Scott sings lead; she and her partner, Andy Meaney. write the song several eyars back to celebrate the birth of Aoife’s first niece.
Good advice, good material for reflection in this gentle song. Aoife and Andy come from Ireland. You will find the song recorded on Aoife Scot’s album called Homebird.
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More about Aoife’s album Homebird
Over the years I’ve written quite a bit about music to listne to during Advent, Here’s a look back at one of those Advent listening ideas.
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Labels: advent, aoife scott, creativity, ireland, nashville, sally barris

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